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भा.शि.प्र.मं. संस्था
The N. K. G. Junior College (Index no J 01.01.033) was started on 20 August 2001 with 6 (Six) faculties and 33 students. In the first year there was only one section - General Science group. The other sections were started one by one in the coming years. The College started Information Technology subject in year 2002.

Vocational group subjects such as Computer Science and F. W. F. C. (Fishery) were started in the session 2005 – 06.

College has now three sections each of class XI & XII. About 400 students are enrolled in each section. Now has 14 lecturer staff.
Every year college result in Board Exam is more than 90% and is now become one of the renowned college in Akola District. In session 2013-14 college started E-Class facility in all Junior Colleges in Vidarbha.

Every year near about 25-30 students secured their admissions in various M. B. B. S. (Govt) colleges and 40-50 students got seats in Govt. Engineering colleges. Recently one of our bright student has secured admission in IIT.


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